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Module 5 Final Project Milestone 2

Module 5 Final Project Milestone 2

Q SOC 213 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a proposal to the potential funder, the Department of Health and Human Services. This is the second of two opportunities for you to submit a rough draft of the critical elements in the final project. In Milestone One, you introduced the social problem you have chosen, described the variables and determinates related to the problem, and outlined how you would approach limiting your biases. This assignment should represent your best effort to meet the critical elements outlines below. Once you submit this assignment, you will receive feedback from your instructor. It is imperative that you review and understand this feedback before you implement it into your final draft. Prompt: You will address the critical elements listed below which represent the last two sections of your final project. For this milestone your work will be graded using the rubric below, for your final submission in Module Seven your work will be graded using the rubric found in the Final Project guidelines and rubric document. The final project rubric adds a fourth column to the rubric which adds the expectation of a higher level of comprehension and writing. Therefore, if you receive a score satisfactory to you on your milestone assignments you will be expected to address any feedback from your instructor, as well as adding the depth asked for in the exemplary column in the Final Project rubric when you submit your final project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Roman One Global Impact: So that the funder can understand the significance of the social problem, you will explain the local and global impacts using a sociological perspective. A. Provide an example of how the social problem manifests itself on a local as well as global scale. In what other country or countries does this problem present itself and how? B. Compare and contrast the existence of the problem locally versus globally. How is the way the problem exists locally similar to or different from the way it exists globally? C. Based on your comparison of the local and global manifestations of the social issue, what conclusions can you draw about the influence of globalization on this specific social issue? How similar or different are the social issues and their repercussions, and what does that mean in relation to the impact of globalization? D. Select a key sociological theoretical perspective that best explains why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents on a local and global scale, justifying your selection. E. Apply your selected theoretical perspective to explain why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents on a local and global scale. Roman Two Potential Solution A. Compare at least one successful attempted solution with at least one attempted unsuccessful solution to the problem. From your comparison, why did the successful solution succeed, and why did the unsuccessful solution fail? Support your findings with resources from your own research. B. Based on your previous research, what suggestion do you have for responding to the identified social issue? Specifically what do you suggest as an action in responding to the social issue? C. Explain why your suggestion is likely to be successful, substantiating with research. Explain how the suggestion takes into account your previous research of attempted solutions and identified best practices. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Milestone 2 must be 2-3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least 1-2 references cited in APA format. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Global Impact: Global Scale Provides an example of how the social problem manifests itself on a global scale Provides an example of how the social problem manifests itself on a global scale, but example is irrelevant or inaccurate Does not provide an example of how the social problem manifests itself on a global scale 10 Global Impact: Compare and Contrast Compares and contrasts the existence of the problem locally and globally Compares and contrasts the existence of the problem locally and globally, but comparison has gaps in detail or accuracy Does not compare and contrast the existence of the problem locally and globally 10 Global Impact: Globalization Draws conclusions about the influence of globalization on the specific social issue based on comparison Draws conclusions about the influence of globalization on the specific social issue, but conclusions are not based on previous comparison, or conclusions are inappropriate or irrelevant Does not draw conclusions about the influence of globalization on the specific social issue 10 Global Impact: Theoretical Perspectives Selects a key sociological theoretical perspective that best explains why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local and global scale, justifying the selection Selects a key sociological theoretical perspective that explains why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local and global scale and justifies the selection, but selection or justification is inappropriate or irrelevant Does not select a key sociological theoretical perspective that best explains why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local and global scale 10 Global Impact: Apply Perspective Applies selected theoretical perspective to explain why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local and global scale Applies selected theoretical perspective to explain why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local Does not apply selected theoretical perspective to explain why there are similarities and differences in how the social issue presents itself on a local and global scale 10 and global scale, but with gaps in detail or accuracy Potential Solution: Comparison Compares at least one attempted solution that was successful with one that was unsuccessful and identifies factors contributing to the success or failure. Compares at least one attempted solution that was successful with one that was unsuccessful but fails to identify factors contributing to the success or failure. Does not compare attempted solutions to the social problem that were either successful or unsuccessful 10 Potential Solution: Suggestion Suggests response to the identified social issue based on previous research Suggests response to the identified social issue, but response is not based on previous research Does not suggest a response to the identified social issue 15 Potential Solution: Successful Explains why the suggestion is likely to be successful, substantiating with research Explains why the suggestion is likely to be successful, and substantiates with research, but response is cursory, illogical, or weakly substantiated Does not explain why the proposed solution is likely to be successful 15 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100%

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